2024 - 2025 Texas Association for Computing Machinery Senior Officer Elections
Check out our candidates for the 2024-2025 Officer Elections. Hope to see you at elections on Wednesday, April 17th, at 6:30-7:30pm in GDC 5.302! By default, all candidates run for at-large positions.
Nidhi Pabbathi
Running For: Only at large
Hey! My name is Nidhi and I am running for an At Large Executive Board position! This year I've served as a Senior Corporate Officers and last year I served as a Corporate Operational Officer and I would love to continue my involvement in ACM. I've worked hard with our current team of officers and to help bring events to you all (such as our Hack Night and Trivia Night!), and as an at large position on the Executive board I would continue closely supporting ACM through organizing engaging social events and increasing corporate and academic opportunities available to our members. I would love to become more involved in the CS Department and bring more events YOU want. I would love to have your support to continue making ACM the greatest it can be! Thank you!!
Praneel Seth
Running For: Only at large
The events and initiatives we run are the core of ACM: they connect students to one another and to resources that support them in their academics and their careers. That's why it's so important to make sure that the people working on these initiatives get access to the people and resources they need to make the experiences they created as seamless as possible. I want to run to be an At-Large ""Initiative Manager"" so that I can connect initiative leads to any support they need, whether that is collaborating with other clubs, needing resources from the department, or just an extra person to help run their event.
I believe I can perform this role well because I've done a trial run of the experience: CS Week. I made connections with officers from every UTCS org to coordinate the events and planning of CS week. I was able to manage the timing of 16 events in one week from 14 different orgs, and so I feel prepared to handle the responsibility of ACM's many initiatives.
I also want to ask ACM members for feedback on a regular basis for every event. This will allow us to improve and create initiatives that cater to the UTCS community. I'm excited for the chance to be a part of the team!
Tiffany Kao / Thomas Tran
Running For: President / Vice President
This past year, Thomas and I have committed ourselves to improving ACM by pushing for larger-scale events and a more structured organizational approach. We have proven through our officership that we are active in the affairs of this organization, understand its shortcomings, and are committed to improving them. We both care deeply about this organization and hope to establish a foundation that will improve its current state and last for years to come. Our primary goal for ACM in the upcoming year will be to build a better ACM community by implementing more social events, bolstering recruitment, and having more incentives to be active such as a point system. We also plan to focus on developing relationships with the department and UTCS professors by having more department-integrated events and professor participation. By developing our relationship with professors and staff, we hope to pursue more research focused academic events. Overall, we want to create a more interconnected community in UTCS, both within ACM, with other organizations, and with the department. In addition to developing the community within UTCS, we would also like to explore the Austin startup scene to both bolster our corporate connections and provide valuable experience and resources to our active members. In particular, company tours, for both new and established companies, are one avenue we plan to explore.
Caterina Sturzu
Running For: Treasurer
"Hi everybody! My name is Caterina, and I am a 3rd year CS major. I've been a student org officer since sophomore year and was granted the privilege to be co-finance officer with Thomas this past year. As an overly eager extrovert, student org work has been a central part of my life since high school, and I hope to continue this during my last year of college as either Treasurer or At-Large.
In the past year, I have done a lot beyond putting together purchase requests. I have experience planning events as large as the Diversity Banquet as the Q++ social officer. Over the summer, I tabled for ACM during freshmen orientation and now enjoy pitching ACM to visiting admitted students and their parents. Nidhi and I have pushed our recent endeavor to make reels as a way to increase engagement and meet new people. I have a lot of ideas and am ready to hit the ground running to help grow ACM to its full potential."
Joseph Wilson
Running For: Only at large
I would be a good officer because of my connections with other ACM officers. I feel like I would be useful in helping ACM as a whole run better due to my experience in other orgs like ABCS and NSBE and being able to take knowledge from those groups on what works good and what does not work.
Gabriel Keller
Running For: Only at large
Hey y'all! If you haven't had the chance to meet me yet, I'm Gabe, a '27 CS major. This past year, I've served as an Operational Officer on the Corporate Affairs team. Since joining Texas ACM, I’ve fallen in love with not only the community, but also the passion and hard work that goes into running it. It would be a privilege to serve as an At-Large member of Texas ACM’s newly-created Executive Board, with plans to continue on the Corporate Affairs team. Next year, I plan to focus on heavily improving two aspects of Texas ACM: our corporate initiatives, and our community engagement.
CORPORATE INITIATIVES: With a tightening CS job market, it has become increasingly difficult to secure funding for our most important events, and even harder for students to find internships and meaningfully connect with recruiters. Hence, as a member of the Executive Board, I would ensure the Corporate Affairs team is properly accounted for in developing Texas ACM’s long-term vision. As an Executive Board member, I would work closely with the President to ensure we extend Texas ACM’s reputation to more companies in the Austin tech community and beyond, improve our relations with the UTCS department and its corporate partners, and develop new ways for students to connect with our partners outside of our existing event formats.
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT: I've had an absolute blast getting to know the community and taking part in so many awesome events like our Spring Retreat, Family Feud, and Thanksgiving Banquet. However, events as fulfilling as these have become hard to come by at Texas ACM due to a growing disconnect between us and the greater UTCS community fueled by the pandemic. I hope to leverage my position on the Executive Board and Corporate Affairs team to invent new ways to get involved in the community. One way I hope to do this is by developing a weekly community workspace where students can work on projects, make new friends, and improve their industry skills. Texas ACM should house more than just one way to get involved in the community, though. Which is why I will also push for the creation of more weekly involvement programs, like IM teams and weekly socials.
LEARN MORE: If these ideas sound great to you, I appreciate your enthusiasm and support! If you’d like to learn more about my platform, I’ve written more about my plans here: https://bit.ly/3xAYeyV"
Yuvraj Sahu
Running For: Only at large
"Hello! You may remember me from Pancakes with Professors, from our CS 101 lectures, or just from seeing me around ACM events. Throughout this year, I have truly enjoyed having the opportunity to be our Academics VP. Whether it's fostering student-professor relationships or providing tips and tricks for acing UT's challenging coursework, I have appreciated every step of the way.
If elected, I hope to continue working to strengthen ACM's Academics pillar. Particularly, I hope to expand and formalize our CS 101 curriculum. I hope to increase the reach of these events to more students that are taking introductory courses, so that ACM can ease the difficult burden that these classes sometimes bring. Additionally, I hope to expand our selection of academic events, such as by incorporating events where students can learn more about the various fields in computer science. While academics would be my primary platform, if elected, I plan to continue making contributions to all of our events.
Here's to a great year!"