What We Do

General Meetings
Enjoy free food, listen to ACM's announcements, and take a break to mingle with friends and do fun activities.
Tech Talks
Meet company recruiters and learn about their company
Intramural Sports
Play sports with friends, get active, have fun!
CS101 workshops aim to teach students about basic CS and development topics like how to use Linux, SSH, Git and more.
Freshmen Social
Hang out with ACM by grabbing dinner together: make friends and meet upperclassmen!
Gaming Nights
Play videogames and board games all night long!
Semesterly Camping Retreat
Step out of the GDC and UT to go camping!

Why Join?
Our CS101 program is tailored for underclassmen equipping them with the fundamentals they need to succeed inside and outside of school. In addition, our mentorship program matches upperclassmen with freshman, who can help out with the social, academic, and professional aspects of college. Build connections and find your community at UTCS. Learn more here.
Network / Professional
Professional networking opportunities are available to all ACM members. Our General Meetings, Resume Review Office Hours, Resume Database, and Corporate Banquets allow members to meet company recruiters, refine their résumés, and ultimately get interviews and land jobs.
Don't just work all the time; fun and friends are important too! Make friends by joining ACM, and have fun at our many social events such as Family Dinners, Intramural Sports, Retreat, and Gaming Nights!
Leadership Opportunities
Boost your résumé and learn valuable skills by serving as a leader in the largest CS org on campus. Apply to be an Operational Officer in the Fall and work directly with a Senior Officer on impactful projects while giving back to the community.
ACM Office
Located at GDC 3.312, the ACM office offers a wide variety of amenities including comfy couches, a TV with video games, free coffee, 75¢ sodas, board games, and textbooks.